Constituents and weightings for the S&P 500 materials sector index
Go to this lessonLessons
S&P 500 Materials Sector Index
S&P 500 Industrials Sector Index
Constituents and weightings for the S&P 500 industrials sector index
Go to this lessonS&P 500 Information Technology Sector Index
Constituents and weightings for the S&P 500 information technology sector index
Go to this lessonS&P 500 Consumer Discretionary Sector Index
Constituents and weightings for the S&P 500 consumer discretionary sector index
Go to this lessonS&P 500 Utilities Sector Index
Constituents and weightings for the S&P 500 utilities sector index
Go to this lessonS&P 500 Energy Sector Index
Constituents and weightings for the S&P 500 energy sector index
Go to this lessonS&P 500 Healthcare Sector Index
Constituents and weightings for the S&P 500 healthcare sector index
Go to this lessonS&P 500 Financials Sector Index
Constituents and weightings for the S&P 500 financials sector index
Go to this lessonS&P 500 Consumer Staples Sector Index
Constituents and weightings for the S&P 500 consumer staples sector index
Go to this lessonS&P 500 Communication Services Sector Index
Constituents and weightings for the S&P 500 communication services sector index
Go to this lessonS&P 500 Real Estate Sector Index
Constituents and weightings for the S&P 500 real estate sector index
Go to this lessonS&P Global Equal Weighted Index
S&P global equal weighted index methodology and constituents
Go to this lessonFTSE Russell Equal Weighted Index
FTSE Russell equal weighted index methodology and constituents
Go to this lessonMSCI Equal Weighted Index
MSCI equal weighted index methodology and constituents
Go to this lessonThe GICS Structure In Terms Of Sector, Industry Groups & Industries
The Global Industry Classification Standard explained and presented schematically in terms of sectors, industry groups and industries
Go to this lessonSIC & NAICS Codes
SIC and NAICS classification tables and codes referencing companies in both systems
Go to this lessonA Structural View Of GICS Sectors
GICS sectors and the sector methodology
Go to this lessonMapping And Conversion For Sector Codes
GICS sectors and the sector methodology
Go to this lessonThe Treasury Market – Futures & Pricing
An introduction to the US Treasury futures market, how the market works and how to trade tresuries using futures contracts
Go to this lessonThe US Federal Reserve – the FED
The FED site is truly a gold mine of information about the FED, and as I have explained in the program, being an avid FED watcher will help you to understand how and why they make the decisions they do. All the information is here in an easily readable format, so it is well worth your time and effort to explore the site in detail.
Go to this lessonData For Repo Rates & FFR
This is the data hub for the New York Fed, where you will find the latest repo rates and FFR. It is the market data dashboard for market operations, data, surveys, reports, and much more. It is a wealth of information which is clear and easy to understand. Again I would urge you to study these details and build your knowledge.
Go to this lessonSOFR, USD LIBOR & Forward Treasury Curves
The 1-month USD LIBOR forward curve represents market-implied future settings for 1-month USD LIBOR, an index rate used in many legacy floating-rate financings. The Treasury forward curves represent market-implied future yields of on-the-run U.S. Treasury notes of different tenors.
Go to this lessonLatest Swap Lines Federeral Reserve
These swap facilities are designed to improve liquidity conditions in global money markets and to minimize the risk that strains abroad could spread to U.S. markets, by providing foreign central banks with the capacity to deliver U.S. dollar funding to institutions in their jurisdictions
Go to this lessonVisual Graphic For Swap Lines
This is where you will find a visual graphic for swap lines at the St. Louis FED for economic research with the FRED.
Go to this lessonNew York FED Primary Dealers
Primary dealers are trading counterparties of the New York Fed in its implementation of monetary policy. They are also expected to make markets for the New York Fed on behalf of its official accountholders as needed, and to bid on a pro-rata basis in all Treasury auctions at reasonably competitive prices.
Go to this lessonResource For Worldwide Bonds & Bond Investing
Here you will find descriptive details and pricing data on over 500,000 bonds worldwide, along with an immensely powerful bond scanner.
Go to this lessonBond Convexity Calculator
On this page is a bond convexity calculator. It will compute a bond’s convexity as the second derivative of the bond’s price in relation to the interest rate. Optionally, it will show the price and yield relationship estimate from duration and convexity.
You can input either the market yield or yield to maturity, or the bond’s current price and coupon and par, and the tool will compute the bond duration and convexity.
Bond Duration Calculator
On this page is a bond duration calculator. It will compute the mean bond duration measured in years (the Macaulay duration), and the bond’s price sensitivity to interest rate changes (the modified duration). You can input either the market yield or yield to maturity, or the bond’s price, and the tool will compute the associated durations.
Go to this lessonBond Present Value Calculator
This is an excellent free online tool that allows you to calculate the present value of a bond.
You can change the face value, annual coupon rate, annual market rate, and of course, years to maturity. So a comprehensive tool that is very handy.
Go to this lessonTax Equivalent Yield Municipal Bonds
This calculator will estimate the tax-equivalent yield (TEY) for a municipal bond. Income generated from municipal bond coupon payments are not subject to federal income tax. In addition, if the bond was issued in your state of residence, you can also avoid state income taxes. Use this calculator to determine the yield required by a fully taxable bond to earn the same after-tax income as a municipal bond.
By changing any value in the following form fields, calculated values are immediately provided for displayed output values. Click the view report button to see all of your results.
Excellent Filter For Bonds
An excellent free tool from Fidelity where you can filter on over 75,000 new issue and secondary market bonds and CDs, and over 120,000 total offerings quotations when including our depth of book. Only $1 per bond mark-up/mark-down for secondary bond trading, $0 for US Treasuries online.
Go to this lessonAsset Allocation Calculator Based On Risk
A simple but easy-to-use asset allocation online calculator which allows you to vary the risk parameters. Here you can choose from a very conservative profile, right the way up to a very aggressive profile, and everything in between, with the calculator then providing guidelines in terms of bonds, stocks, and cash in terms of your portfolio.
Go to this lesson401K Retirement Calculator
For anyone who is building a retirement strategy that prominently features a 401(k), it’s important to have a deeper understanding of the plan, both its advantages and disadvantages. In what cases is it most useful? Are there hidden costs? Ths online calculator will help to answer all these questions.
Go to this lessonS&P Credit Ratings
Credit ratings are opinions about credit risk. They can express a forward-looking opinion about the capacity and willingness of an entity to meet its financial commitments as they come due, and also the credit quality of an individual debt issue, such as a corporate or municipal bond, and the relative likelihood that the issue may default.
Go to this lessonChanges In S&P Credit Ratings
You can filter for those that have changed in the last 24 hours or over the last seven days, as well as by sectors, country, and for all actions and in terms of new and revised. This is immensely helpful information giving you an insight into both downgrades and upgrades and how they are, therefore, likely to impact the company, stock, or bond.
Go to this lessonChanges In Fitch Credit Ratings
With the Fitch rating’s site, you can filter across all the various primary sectors and, of course, by country and region too. But once again, the same principles apply as with S&P, as this gives you the tools to identify those changes in ratings which impact a stock or company.
Go to this lessonChanges In Moody Credit Ratings
Here you will find the rating actions and changes in Moody’s credit ratings. With the Moody rating’s site, these are shown for the last thirty days, but you also have a search function to locate specific companies or stocks, companies, or countries of interest.
Go to this lessonCredit Ratings By Country
This page from trading economics, details all the latest ratings for countries around the world and from the three ratings agencies of S&P, Fitch and Moody.
Go to this lessonTrading Economics & Fundamentals
Here you will find a wealth of information, statistics, and news, along with historical data for many of the big fundamental releases by country along with an excellent economic calendar. All four capital markets of stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies are covered. There is a paid version, which although not cheap, is hugely comprehensive and perhaps something to consider as your experience grows.
Go to this lessonForex Factory FREE Economic Calendar
This economic calendar covers all the major releases each day and also offers an excellent historical record of the trends for each release, so you can determine whether the data is rising or falling in a discernable trend. One blip in any number is unlikely to change the trend in any market sentiment, which is why it is so important.
Go to this lessonY-Charts Economic Calendar
This economic calendar covers all the major releases each day and also offers an excellent historical record of the trends for each release, so you can determine whether the data is rising or falling in a discernable trend. One blip in any number is unlikely to change the trend in any market sentiment, which is why it is so important.
Go to this lessonTradingView Earnings Calendar
Earnings calendars are an essential online tool for all stock traders and investors. Here you will find all the US stock market earnings announcements in a single calendar which you can filter on those coming up today, tomorrow, this week and next week. The earnings calendar is a useful tool that helps you stay on top of things. It lets you track companies that are about to announce their earnings. You can see the date, estimated EPS, and reported EPS for each available company. Earnings per share is an indicator of a company’s profitability, and it’s one of several metrics to include in your fundamental analysis.
Go to this lessonWorldwide Earnings Calendar
The earnings calendar is a useful tool that helps you stay on top of things. It lets you track companies that are about to announce their earnings. Here you will find all the upcoming earnings for every stock around the world.
Go to this lessonYahoo Worldwide Earnings Calendar
This is another powerful earnings calendar that covers the world from Yahoo Finance. Again it is a brilliant site and in addition what I really like here is that if you click on the ticker, this pulls up all the additional data for that particular stock.
Go to this lessonY Charts Events Calendar
The events calendar from Y charts is more than an earnings calendar as it covers a variety of events that are likely to impact your stock portfolio. These include events such as stock splits, earnings dividends, spin-offs, stock splits, and much more. So as you can see the calendar extends into events not covered by many of the others, but of course this comes at a price. However, they do offer a free 7-day trial so it is worth taking a look and seeing if this is the depth of information you need. Perhaps not immediately but maybe in the future as your portfolio grows in size.
Go to this lessonZacks Earnings & Events Calendar
One of the pages on the navigation menu is called ‘Earnings ESP’ which stands for ‘Expected Surprise Prediction’ which is always something of interest and indeed they also offer a filter to this effect. A word of caution as always – this is simply a tool on which to base your own analysis and not to be taken as guaranteed which of course they are not, but a helpful tool I believe to offer up some stocks for you to consider.
Go to this lessonUS Stocks IPO Calendar
An IPO is, in essence, a way for large companies to raise funds by selling their shares to the public for the first time and following an IPO, these shares are then listed publicly on the major stock exchanges. Many investors seek out such companies, hoping the stock will be oversubscribed and, therefore, the price will rise. Not always the case of course, but certainly a group of stocks to watch carefully either before or after launch.
Go to this lessonWorldside Stocks IPO Calendar
An IPO is, in essence, a way for large companies to raise funds by selling their shares to the public for the first time and following an IPO, these shares are then listed publicly on the major stock exchanges. Many investors seek out such companies, hoping the stock will be oversubscribed and, therefore, the price will rise. Not always the case of course, but certainly a group of stocks to watch carefully either before or after launch.
Go to this lessonNasdaq IPO Calendar
Here, for example, it details which IPO offerings have been priced, and those which have yet to be priced along with details of filings, and those IPOs which have been withdrawn for whatever reason. So this site fills in some of the detail for you, but only US stocks here.
Go to this lessonFundamental Analysis Ratio Data
The site delivers a five-year rolling road set of results and compares the company’s performance with that of last year. There is a free version and also paid with the latter offering a more comprehensive number of ratios. However, the free version will certainly get you started, and well worth analyzing those on your watch list for an initial pass on the financial statements from a fundamental perspective.
Go to this lessonFundamental Data & Interest Expense
The site delivers a five-year rolling road set of results and compares the company’s performance with that of last year. There is a free version and also paid with the latter offering a more comprehensive number of ratios. However, the free version will certainly get you started, and well worth analyzing those on your watch list for an initial pass on the financial statements from a fundamental perspective.
Go to this lessonFundamental Data On The WSJ
You will find the three primary reports of the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow under Markets>Market Data and then select a stock in search with all three then listed under the Financials tab along with a wealth of other information.
Go to this lessonFundamental Data P/E Ratios On Indices
The P/E ratios for the major US indices is one of the items of fundamental data which is actually very hard to find. But once again, the Wall Street Journal comes up trumps, and you can find it here. This page also reports the index dividend yield.
Go to this lessonFundamental Data, Ratios & Interest Ratio Analysis
Another of my ‘go-to’ sites for financial data, which is presented very clearly under the financials tab. In addition, these reports itemize information that is useful in interest ratio analysis which may not appear elsewhere. Here you will also find a wealth of other statistics and data, including earnings, ratios, options, short interest, institutional activity, along with insider activity.
Go to this lessonFundamental Data On Macrotrends
This is another of my go-to sites, which I primarily use for fundamental data, but which also includes a broad selection of key ratio analysis, with the data going back ten years. Certainly worth spending some time digging around here, but you will have to put up with the ads!
Go to this lessonApple Consolidated Financial Statements – Stock Fundamentals Module
These are the consolidated accounts for Apple, which I used in the Stock Fundamentals module for the three financial statements of the income statement, balance sheet, and cashflow statement.
Go to this lessonY Charts – One To Consider For The Future
The site itself is aimed firmly at NFA and CTA advisors in order to provide them with the tools they need in order to analyze market data. As you would expect, there is a huge depth and breadth of information here, and this is one which I would suggest you ONLY consider once you have a large portfolio and have built up your experience.
Go to this lessonResources For Technical & Fundamental Analysis
While there is a paid subscription service which is relatively modest, they do offer many free tools which are well presented. An example here is the stock trading and investing ideas.
Go to this lessonAnalysis Of Short Volume On Stocks
Here you can check out those stocks which have short volume and compare them to the long volume on the chart. Short volume and short interest are both measures of the number of shares that have been sold short by investors, but they are calculated and used in slightly different ways. Click on the ticker to see a visual of the price, with both long and short volumes represented graphically.
Go to this lessonCheck Out The Hottest Meme Stocks Here!
Fresh from Wall Street Bets, here you will find the latest mentions for the hottest meme stocks over the last 24 hours. The stock ticker is on the left, and the times memed is on the right and ranked in order of popularity. This does not signal direction, only interest!
Go to this lessonCheck Out ETF Tracking Differences Worldwide
Tracking difference measures the relationship between the performance of the ETF and the index. In other words how closely does the ETF track the index it follows.
Go to this lessonPremier Site For All The Markets And Live Futures FREE is a site I frequently reference both in my online webinars and also on my various social media channels, as it is one of the most comprehensive you will find for all markets. The business model for the site is based on advertising, so all the content is free, and there is a wealth of data for all the markets as well as live data, particularly for futures. This is truly a gold mine site where you will find a wealth of unusual tools, data, analysis, and commentary. It’s a great place to find live data on US fixed income.
Go to this lessonFree Stock Charts
Free stock charts is a charting application with a long history and one I used myself back in the very early days. It has come a long way since then and is now part of the TC 2000 platform. I reference it here for you as the charting is excellent, and even more important, so is the volume. In addition, they have recently added a suite of options tools, making it more powerful still, so it may be an application you might wish to run alongside your others and use for analysis.
Go to this lessonShort Interest Stocks With Over 20%
Here you can sort on stocks with a short interest of over 20% .Additional key data such as the float, number of outstanding shares, and company industry are displayed. Data is presented for the Nasdaq Stock Market, the New York Stock Exchange, and the American Stock Exchange.
Go to this lessonPatter Day Trading Rules Explained
If you are still a little hazy about the PDT rules for stock traders and investors, this is where you can find the definitive explanation on the SEC site. It explains these rules in detail and also gives examples, so there is no reason not to understand these key rules in a margin account.
Go to this lessonIndex Specific Earnings Calendar & Screener
While this is another stock screener with all the data you might expect to find, the reason I like this one is in the search for earnings. With this stock screener, you can select the index as a filter, which makes filtering out the stocks of interest on particular indices much easier. That aside, it has also the features you would expect of a solid stock screener for free.
Go to this lessonStock and ETF Implied Volatility Screener
It is a very simple layout which I like, but you can then scan for both stock and ETF Implied Volatility (IV), IV Rank, and IV Percentile.
Go to this lessonComprehensive Volatility Screener
If you are serious about scanning for volatility, whether for stocks or options, then this is the site for you. Ivol is the generic term, and you will be able to access volatility for both stocks, options, and futures, using their charting platform for both intraday and historical volatility.
Go to this lessonReddit Meme Stocks Trending
Here’s another site to check on meme stocks and which ones are trending on Reddit. This gives the top ten list of meme stocks and as the most mentioned in the last 24 hours.
Go to this lessonMore Meme Stocks Trending On Reddit
Here’s another site to check on meme stocks and which ones are trending on Reddit. This gives the top fifteen list of meme stocks and as the most mentioned in the last 24 hours.
Go to this lessonIf You Are Serious About Meme Stocks – Follow These Guys
So if you are serious about trading in the memes stock market, then wallstreetbets are the guys to follow.
Go to this lessonLow Float Stock Scanner
If you are searching for low-float stocks then this is the site to visit, as these are ranked in an easy to filter format and can then be sorted on a database of stocks that have a float of less than 10 million shares. Data is presented for the Nasdaq Stock Market, the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and the Over the Counter Bulletin Board. You can view the data for all exchanges together or only view exchanges of interest by clicking on the appropriate tab.
Go to this lessonWorld Of Dividends For New, Research & Ideas
If dividends form a central part of your investment portfolio, and they should, I would suggest you famialrize yourself with this site. The clue is in the title, as the sole focus here is on dividends. But not only is it a dividend scanner, it also offers an ‘ideas list’ as well as stock research and investment guides. A handy site from many different perspectives.
Go to this lessonSolid Stock Scanner Both Free & Paid
This stock scanner offers a good list of global exchanges and search filters (tech & fundamental) for both traders and investors and in addition, it also offers crypto. However, while the depth of data is excellent, there are rather limited results in the free version, although I do like the presentation style of this scanner
Go to this lessonComprehensive Global Markets Stock Scanner
This stock scanner offers is one which truly attempts to cover the world as it offers a filter function for all major financial centers. These include South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Oceania, with associated filters on various metrics.
Go to this lessonAnother International Stock Scanner
To access this stock scanner, you are forced to give them an email address or sign in with Facebook, which can be annoying. However, once inside, they do offer a comprehensive international scanner with plenty of tools, so it is worth the effort.
Go to this lessonZacks Stock Scanner
Whether you’re a fundamentalist researching a company from top to bottom or a technician more interested in stock charting, you can pick stocks on a multitude of selection criteria that is most relevant to you with this stock screener. Or you can use Zacks’ predefined stock screens to help you find the types of companies that meet your criteria.
Go to this lessonStock Screener For Fundamental Metrics By Sector & Industry
There is a great deal of data here, particularly on the fundamental side, which may not be apparent from the simple top level navigation. However dig a little deeper into the dropdown menus and a wealth of information appears, where we can screen for best performers over different times across all markets. And all free.
Go to this lessonTradingView Stock Screener
Here I wanted to highlight that it has an inbuilt feature to screen from 1 minute to 1 month, but the more advanced features are only available in the paid version, so you will need to be subscribed in order to access the full suite of scanning features.
Go to this lessonYear To Date Returns Scanner
A very unusual site but one I believe is extremely useful, and as the name and domain imply, one that focuses purely on year-to-date performance for both stocks and indices. Here you can search by company or sector.
Go to this lessonMost Active Stock Scanner
Nasdaq offers a simple performance screener based on the Most Active Share Volume, Most Advanced, Most Declined, and Most Active by Dollar Volume. Clicking on the stock also brings up a list of ETFs where the stock is a top 10 holding. In addition, this site also offers a simple time & sales data window in real-time which also includes the pre-market, so plenty of reasons to visit this scanner.
Go to this lessonSharescope & Sharepad
The focus here is primarily on US and UK stocks, and this is not simply another stock filter but a charting application also with many solid features, so you may want to use this for analysis alongside any other applications. This is a paid-only application, and while they do not offer a trial, there is a 30 day money back guarantee with the product.
Go to this lessonChartsmart Screeening & Charting For 15,000 US & Canadian Stocks
The reason we used this in addition to Sharescope was in the fact this covered both US and Canadian markets with over 15,000 stocks to filter offering an array of both technical and fundamental metrics to apply. What I also like is that the company offers a FREE 30 day trial so you can become familiar with it before going ahead.
Go to this lessonIndex Weighting & Stock Components Performance
The data is primarily for the latest components & weightings across the three major indices, S&P500, Nas100 & Dow, but the site is adding new stuff all the time, such as Treasury Rates and ETFs. Some interesting charts which show you graphically the weighting each stock carries in the index and how those at the top carry significantly more weight than those at the bottom, as explained in the index PDFs on the program.
Go to this lessonExcellent Global Stock Market Screener, Scanner & Tools
Stockopedia is extremely user-friendly and therefore great for beginners. In addition they also offer a 14 day trial, so you can try before you buy and I have to say the annual cost is low, given the vast amount of data you get here with a huge array os stock scanning tools. As one user quoted – ‘Gloriously designed – the individual company pages on Stockopedia are an absolute delight and incredibly easy to read’ which really sums it up.
Go to this lessonA Statisitical Site For Trends & Analysis
In other words, this is a site that can be used for background research on trends in different industries, although it does publish a list of the most shorted stocks worldwide. However, this information is lagged. It is an interesting site & well worth a visit. Full service for the site is paid, but some of the content is free.
Go to this lessonHighly Rated For Scanner & Research For Stocks, Mutual Funds & ETFs
It is extremely comprehensive, and whilst there is a free sign-up version, the screener function is only available in the paid version. However, there is still a lot of useful, general information. And if you are searching for mutual funds, this is the place to find them, with over 40,000 listed to add to the 10,000 stocks and 3,000 ETFs with a complete range of technical and fundamental tools. And to be honest, even the premium subscription is modest for the year, given the amount of information.
Go to this lessonFree Premarket & After Hours Movers & IPO News
At the moment, all the data here is free and well worth utilizing as the site includes information on IPOs and ETFs which also has a comparison tool.
Go to this lessonStock, Fund & ETF Screener
A stock, fund and ETF screener with a comprehensive set of investment and analysis tools. There is also a list of model portfolios as well as ones from well known hedge funds and investors such as Warren Buffett. Some info is free but otherwise a subscription is required.
Go to this lessonDon’t Ignore Yahoo Finance For Free Analysis & Scanning
It’s been around a long time, and if you dig around, you will be surprised at what you can uncover. For example, in addition to a standard stock screener, you will also find predefined screens which can be both useful and interesting.
Go to this lessonAn Excellent Resource For Purely Dividends
This is another excellent site that is solely focused on the issues and analysis of dividends, including the best dividend stocks, the highest dividend stocks, and the best dividend capture.
Go to this lessonWell Estabished Site For Stock Analysis & Research
A well-established site with a lot of free information that has recently added option quotes as well. You will also find the charts for the Dow Jones sectors with volume. Sectors are also ranked on daily performance. Also, have a performance comparison of the individual stocks.
Go to this lessonStock & Options Screener Free
The relationship between stocks and options, and in particular volume, is one we will be explored fully in the live webinars on the XT program. So this is one of several options resources. The stock and options screener here is free and only requires registration. The site looks a little basic, and rather dated, but don’t let this put you off as it has lots of excellent information.
Go to this lessonStock Screener With Peer & Index Comparison Tool
Another free stock screener with a nice front end and all you need to access the data is to sign up for free. Their unique selling point is that all the info & chart for a stock is presented on one page so you don’t have to go hunting around for other filters or news. It’s all there on the page which I must say I do like. In addition it also has a comparison tool to compare performance against peers & index, so plenty of reasons to visit this site.
Go to this lessonMorning Star With A Ton Of Data & Analysis
Morning Star has been around since 1984 and is now a global force. Click on the icon at the bottom right of the page and this will bring up all the 29 countries it covers, so truly an international site for stock investors and traders alike. There is a ton of information here, but it can be a little confusing to navigate, but if you persevere it’s worth the effort. A subscription is required to unlock all the features.
Go to this lessonStock Screener For India & US Plus, Insights Into Fund Managers Holdings
There is a paid service, and signing up will give you limited access. One of the most interesting sections on this site is to be gain an insight into the stocks owned by well-known fund managers and investors such as John Neff & Joel Greenblatt.
Go to this lessonSector Performance Since 2008
An unusual and basic site, but one which gives us a visual heatmap of sector performance since 2008, and year to date. Other assets are also covered in the heatmap
Go to this lessonFollow The Hedge Funds Here Plus Stock Splits Calendar!
So if you want to know which stocks the largest hedge funds are buying and selling, you will find that information here. In addition, they also have a handy stock splits calendar along with their insider trading tracker. So plenty of reasons to dip into this site for a wealth of information that is free!
Go to this lessonFor All Your 13F Hedge Fund Information & Analysis
This is one of your go-to sites for all things hedge fund and 13F information, but it also has data on funds and insider trading. There is also data on short interest, not only for the US market but the top 5 in various global exchanges. The site is currently free and simply requires an email sign up.
Go to this lessonMore Big Fund Data And 13F Filings Reports
Although I’ve highlighted the 13F filings again here, where you can search for many of the big players, there is also a wealth of other information here, including macro data and analysis along with some interesting tools, and all free at present.
Go to this lessonAnother 13F Screener But Also For Stocktwits, Earnings, Trending, Insider & More!
This is another screener for 13F stocks held by institutional managers but one which also screens for earnings, trendings, Stocktwits, insider trading, sentiment analysis, and manager portfolios. So there is a lot of data here and another site that is well worth investigating further. There is a free version which is quite limited, so you will need to subscribe for the full package.
Go to this lessonA Data Rich Site With Several Scanners & A Ton Of Information Free
Here you find a wealth of information on sectors and industries, earnings, IPOs, SPACs, insider, institutional and screeners for stocks mentioned on Reddit and Wallstreetbets. A ton of data and all available on a free sign up.
Go to this lessonScanning Platform For Over 100,000 Stocks Worldwide!
That said, the game changer here is the sheer volume of stocks available, as the company offers global coverage of over 100,000. In addition, you can find out what stock Warren Buffett is buying. Get an inside look at the portfolios of 10,000+ investors, including company insiders, hedge funds, and other multi-billion dollar firms globally.
Go to this lessonPure Fundamental Stock Screener
This site offers a pure fundamental screener for both stocks and ETFs that are offered on a free plan.
Go to this lessonEarnings Whispers And Nothing Else
However, it does make the point that fundamental trends play a more important role than technical trends which, whilst interesting, as vpa traders, we also know that even the most hard core fans of fundamental metrics recognize the importance of the chart. Notwithstanding, it’s a useful site.
Go to this lessonWall Street Horizons
However, it also offers a great deal of other data and research topics too, which are all paid, but there are some interesting articles and analysis which you may find helpful once your knowledge and experience builds. For example, merger events, spin-offs and M&A activity. All the data is available, you simply contact them and they will quote a price for the information.
Go to this lessonMacro & Micro Data Explained
It really is a well-put-together site. If you click on ‘More’ on the S&P 500, for example, you will find them all described here in detail and include many others, such as the put/call option ratio, volatility trackers, bond spreads and more. All valuable information, so I would urge you to take a look at this site.
Go to this lessonStock Screener Scans The 1000 Most Active – US, Canada & Australia
This is an unusual stock scanner and one which delivers a rather different set of analyses from many of the others. Discover the biggest moves in the stock market today for the US, Canada and Australia.
Go to this lessonTrack Subreddits And More Meme Stocks Here!
Here you will find the latest mentions for the hottest meme stocks across various channels, with the data presented graphically. In addition, on this site, and something I like, is the option to select the subreddit you wish to track so you are not limited to Wall Street Bets.
Go to this lessonDiscover Which Stocks Are Dividend Kings
This is another of the great sites I recommend all traders and investors use, whether for analysis or market news. In this case, it is a specific page which is where we can find the current list of dividend kings. If you are searching for stocks with a gold-plated dividend history for your portfolio, this is the place to start.
Go to this lessonDiscover Which Stocks Are Dividend Aristocrats
This is another of the great sites I recommend all traders and investors use, whether for analysis or market news. In this case, it is a specific page which is where we can find the current list of dividend aristocrats. If you are searching for stocks with a gold-plated dividend history for your portfolio, this is the place to start.
Go to this lessonFor The Market Beat A Truly Great Site
As well as the research tools and scanners, I particularly like the ‘lists.’ Here you will find lists of stock comparisons, stocks by sector, stocks by exchange, and stocks by interest, along with a vast array of calendars covering every conceivable aspect of the stock market. You can also subscribe to the premium stock lists. In addition, you will find comprehensive data on ratings, dividends, earnings, insider trades, and IPO
Go to this lessonA Comprehensive Scanner For Bonds
While there are many stock scanners available, and I list many of them in the resources for you, scanners for bonds are much harder to find. This is one site that offers an extremely comprehensive scanner for bonds, as well as stocks and related markets. While some data is free, there is a paid subscription to gain access to all 500,000 bonds,
Go to this lessonFree Scanner & Screener For ETFs
Here you have both a free and paid version which can scan for over 3000 ETFs and using a variety of metrics, such as returns, expenses, dividends etc
Go to this lessonData For Stock Traders & Investors
While there is a paid subscription service which is relatively modest, they do offer many free tools which are well presented.
Go to this lessonEMMA & Munibonds
The EMMA website is funded and operated by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB), the self-regulatory organization charged by Congress with promoting a fair and efficient municipal securities marke
Go to this lessonInvestors Business Daily
IBD is a site that has been around for a long time, but I’m not a great fan and add it only for completeness, as I believe there are other better and more cost-effective ways to achieve the same level of analysis.
Go to this lessonAn Ugly Duckling Site With Tons Of Excellent Global Data & Resources
For example, where else might you find details on the most shorted stocks in Australia and Canada, a basic stock screener that covers 12 countries, or delivers the Piotroski, ROIC, and short volume in one place? How about the insider’s sell/buy ratios across the sectors presented graphically? And from there, drill down into industries. The only bad news here is that the free resources are very limited, so you will need to subscribe, but definitely, one to investigate further.
Go to this lessonExcellent Stock Scanners With A Variety Of Filters
A screener with both technical and fundamental filters. The volume filter has a wide range of options, and there is also a filter that can search for stocks in a predefined price channel.
Go to this lessonA Comprehensive International Stock Screener
A comprehensive screener that covers the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Australia, Spain, Singapore, Italy, and France which can be found under the compare stocks tab. Also includes a list of the most popular stock comparisons. The list is free, but additional information and research tools are only available on subscription. Worth a look as it is not hugely expensive at the moment.
Go to this lessonA Mountain Of Worldwide Data Here!
Much of this information is FREE, which is great, and I have to say the subscription plans are modest given the amount of information you glean from the site, whether technical or fundamental, so well worth exploring in detail.
Go to this lessonA Solid Site With Plenty Of Data And Ratings News
For example, here, they have a tab dedicated to ratings which will keep you up to date with the ratings agencies and their upgrades and downgrades.
Go to this lessonSector & Industry Performance By Country
Much of this information is FREE, which is great, and I have to say the subscription plans are modest given the amount of information you glean from the site, whether technical or fundamental, so well worth exploring in detail.
Go to this lessonA Ton Of Free Information For Stock Traders & Investors
For example, under tools, you will find an options expiry calendar, premarket screener, post-market screener, and virtual stock exchange.
Go to this lessonAnother Excellent ETF Screener
These include searches by theme, country, sector and region, along with smart Beta ETFs and socially responsible ETFs. So there is a wealth of information here for ETfs around the globe along with lists of ETFs by asset class.
Go to this lessonYour Foundational Stock Screener
If you are new to the world of stock trading and investing and feeling your way through the myriad of stock screeners, this is one I suggest you use as a starting point. It is one I have used for many years at it is immensely powerful and offers a vast array of both technical and fundamental analysis, much of it free. I consider it one of the building blocks for your stock screening toolkit and have therefore recorded several videos to help you get started.
Go to this lessonAnother Foundational Stock Screener
This is another of what I consider should be one of your foundational ‘go-to’ stock screeners and another on which I have recorded several videos to help you get started.
Go to this lessonDiscover What The Hedge Funds Are Buying & Selling
While not perfect, it does give us an insight into what the hedge funds are doing.
Go to this lessonExcellent News Site For Proactive Investors
There are many stock investing news sites out there, but I’ve included this one as it is a little different to all the others. And the reason I like it is that it allows you to search for stories across a wide range of sectors, as well as offering a deep dive look into markets and sectors in more detail to expand your knowledge and awareness of particular industries and related companies.
Go to this lessonA Favourite ETF Screener
This is a favorite ETF scanner of mine, as it keeps things very simple and breaks the ETF market down into sectors, industries, and markets which are then presented in a clear way. You start at the top-level navigation of popular, category, sector, index, fixed income, and commodities and then drill down into the lower levels. An excellent way to present a large amount of ETF data clearly and simply.
Go to this lessonYour Go To Site For OTC Stocks & Market Data
If you are considering trading or investing in the OTC markets, then this is your go-to site for analysis of OTC stocks and the markets available. Here you find data and analysis on the pink market, OTCQX and OTCQB. OTC Markets Group Inc. operates the OTCQX® Best Market, the OTCQB® Venture Market, and the Pink® Open Market for 12,000 U.S. and global securities.
Go to this lessonLive Fundamental & Financial News Service
This is an excellent live news service that I have used myself for some time and one I wholeheartedly recommend. The service is excellent as is the support.
Go to this lessonRetirement Planning Calculator
The smart asset site has several helpful tools, and this is another of the online calculators, in this case, an online retirement planner.
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