3.0 Podcast part 3 to the role of equity markets

As I have already mentioned, the primary index to watch during the US trading session is the S&P 500 index, as approximately 75% of the companies listed have a very strong US connection, so can be considered to be a good proxy for the US economy.

5.7 Podcast to the Swiss Franc

If we hop across the English channel, and drive through France we will arrive at Switzerland which, geographically, sits at the heart of Europe yet it is not part of the European Union.

2.3 Part 3 podcast to support and resistance explained

Returning to our house again, and in particular the failure to break the ceiling of resistance on the second floor. The reason for this failure on the price chart, may well have been as a result of sustained areas of old price congestion in the same region, and indeed failures at this level in the past.

5.2 Part 1 podcast to congestion phases part 1

As I have already explained, congestion phases are the most important area on any chart, as markets spend more time in no trend than in trend for many reasons, not least because this is where new trends are born.

2.0 Podcast to additional events

The New York cut, the London fix and the order boards are three events which deserve special attention as they rarely if ever appear on the calendar of events, and yet they occur every day, and they can trap the unwary trader.

2.4 Podcast to increase exposure slowly

As I mentioned in a previous module, new traders set their expectations far too high when starting out, and this fact is reflected in many different ways, and not least in the amount of money they expect to make and the speed with which they expect to make it.