4.7 Part 3 podcast to prices, productivity and wages data

Moving to the employment cost index, this is a quarterly report issued in the US by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and is considered to be a leading indicator of inflation, and therefore another in the tranche of releases which reflect this key metric of expansion or contraction in an economy.

6.0 Part 2 podcast to commodities specific indicators

Moving away from Australasia we go to the other side of the world, and the US markets with oil, and here the focus is the weekly crude oil inventories report, issued by the IEA. And there are several noteworthy issues here.

5.8 Part 1 podcast to other important currencies

In this video podcast I would like to introduce some currencies which although not heavily traded by most forex traders, are nevertheless important, and can tell us a lot about market sentiment and money flow.

2.5 Podcast to develop a range of tactics

You might think it strange to be talking about tactics at this early stage, and perhaps even more so given many traders struggle to forecast market direction with any degree of consistency, but in a doing so this may just explain the reason why.