5.0 Podcast to country specific indicators – Japan

The Tankan economic indicator is released by the Bank of Japan on a quarterly basis ,and is the equivalent of the PMI, but is reported in a slightly different way. For yen traders the Tankan is the indicator to watch for three reasons.

5.3 Part 2 podcast to congestion phases part 2

But what of the reverse scenario, where we are coming to the end of a distribution phase. The last thing the insiders want is to start a campaign to begin filling their warehouses again, move back into an area that has seen high demand (buying pressure in other words) only for the buyers to take the market in the opposite direction.

3.0 Podcast to trader fears (FIXI)

No course on trading psychology would be complete without an overview of the brain, and how it can control and impact our trading behaviour. And here the two regions of particular interest to us are the amygdala and the pre-frontal cortex.