3.0 Podcast to measuring your trading success

I want to refer back to the analogy I used in the previous video, because once again it makes an important point when running any business, but it is one few traders ever consider, and this is the somewhat mundane task of trying to measure success.

2.6 Part 2 podcast to new instruments

For a vanilla option, the contract specifies in very precise terms the amount of the underlying asset, the expiry date, the strike price and the type of delivery of the underlying asset.

3.1 Podcast to other emotional triggers

Length: 0 minutes

And if dealing with fear, loss, anxiety, and risk were not enough, there are plenty of other issues which can hijack our efforts, and once again these are all entirely understandable and all part of our psychological make up and evolutionary development.

4.1 Part 1 podcast to consumer confidence data

It’s an economic fact that US economy consumer spending constitutes somewhere between 70% and 80% of GDP which, in simple terms means if and when the consumer stops spending, the US economy goes into reverse.

2.5 Part 3 podcast to important price patterns

Next in the list of chart patterns come, triple tops and triple bottoms. And the reason for including these two is that they are often the signal for a major turning point in a market or instrument.