The Complete Stock Trading and Investing Program


The Complete Stock Trading and Investing Program covers everything you need to know, and to a depth of understanding we believe you need in order to succeed, whether you are just starting out, or perhaps have some previous experience. The course is designed to cater for all levels of experience and every aspect of investing and trading, across a wide range of instruments and markets, using both technical and fundamental analysis. Because we are all different. Some prefer a more fundamental approach, while others lean towards a more technical style, and as you would expect, chart analysis is based on the foundation methodology of Anna Coulling from her books on Amazon on volume price analysis.

The program is built around video based core modules which cover key concepts of stock trading and investing using stocks themselves along with indirect instruments such as options, CFDs, futures and more. Other modules then take a deep dive into bonds, sector analysis and of course technical and relational analysis. Global indices and markets are also covered in an array of PDF downloads.

The program includes a complimentary license of Quantum Trading indicators best suited for trading the stock market so simply choose your trading platform below to get started.

Also available in Easy Payment Plan

The Complete Stock Trading & Investing Program is one I have wanted to create for many years, and now finally I have found the time to create it, and based on my twenty years experience, both as an investor and also a trader.

As you might expect from the name the program covers everything you need to know, and to a depth of understanding I believe you need in order to succeed, whether you are just starting out, or perhaps have some previous experience. The course is designed to cater for all levels of experience and every aspect of investing and trading, across a wide range of instruments and markets, using both technical and fundamental analysis. Because we are all different. Some prefer a more fundamental approach, while others lean towards a more technical style, and as you would expect, chart analysis is based on my foundation methodology which as I'm sure you know from my books on Amazon is volume price analysis.

Volume reveals the truth behind the price action, and whether you are an intraday trader day trading stocks, or a longer term investor searching out those stocks for the longer term, it is the starting point and foundation stone for all that follows.

The program is built around video based core modules which cover key concepts of stock trading and investing using stocks themselves along with indirect instruments such as options, CFDs, futures and more. Other modules then take a deep dive into bonds, sector analysis and of course technical and relational analysis. Global indices and markets are also covered in an array of PDF downloads.

So, I hope from this brief introduction you have a sense of what is covered. It has taken almost two years to put together, but I'm excited and thrilled to be bringing this to you. So I hope to see you on the inside, and thanks once again for taking the time to register.

All best wishes and thanks again
Anna Coulling


The Complete Stock Trading & Investing Program
for NinjaTrader 8

The Complete Stock Trading & Investing Program
for TradingView

The Complete Stock Trading & Investing Program
for TradeStation Securities

The Complete Stock Trading & Investing Program
for MetTrader 4/5



Ways to Trade Stock Markets

There are many approaches you can take to trading or investing in world stock markets which cover the rainbow of risk from very high to low. In this module, we examine each one in detail, from cash markets to derivatives and the associated instruments. This is the place to start your trading and investing journey by understanding them all, and from which you can begin to consider the approach whether one or perhaps blended with others, which is likely to suit you the best. It is an in-depth module which covers every aspect from stocks themselves in the cash markets, to stock options, ETFs, futures, binary options, CFDs, and many more. This is a foundational module on which many of the others are built.

Stock Characteristics

Many stock traders and investors enter the market with the mistaken belief that all stocks are the same. After all, one stock is much like another, with shareholders, a board, quarterly earnings, and a quoted share price. While superficially this might appear to be the case, it is far from the truth, since every stock has its own 'DNA', the characteristics if you like. In this module, we introduce you to the twelve stock groups which David and I have christened the 'stock clock' and which will be referred to regularly in the webinars as a shorthand description of stock characteristics. Every stock is different, not only in its characteristics, but how it behaves in the market, and whether you are an investor or trader, these are key differences you need to understand and appreciate before diving into the market blindly!

Stock Market Sectors Explained

Stock market sectors are a key part of any trading or investing decision as we attempt to analyze which are strong and bullish, which are weak and bearish, and those in congestion. Just like a stock, we can analyze sectors in the same way since they appear as charts, often with volume allowing us to apply our VPA methodology. In addition, sectors are a key ingredient in the economic cycle as we attempt to analyze the big picture in order to follow those sectors performing well, whether as investors or traders. However, sectors are a confusing area, with a myriad of nomenclature and methodologies developed by various companies over the years, and in this module, we unpick them all, so you have a clear picture of which of the various approaches are important and why.

Techniques of Fundamental Stock Analysis

Before diving into this module I would suggest you study the pre-cursor to this one which is the fundamental stock analysis module which explains how to read the various financial statements such as the balance sheet, cash flow statement, and income statement which are an integral part of the reporting of company accounts. Here we take this knowledge and apply it in various ways using a primary technique called ratio analysis in which we extract the data and study what the numbers reveal by comparing the various results. Of all such ratios, it is the P/E ratio that is perhaps the most widely known and applied, but there are many others that are infinitely more powerful and useful and provide much greater insight. in this module, I cover all those I believe are essential tools, the pros, and cons, how to apply them, and what they reveal. Finally, we round off with two other key ratios, the Piotroski score, and the Altman Z score. All are explained from first principles so that you understand how they are constructed, important to know when comparing them across stock screeners to ensure you are comparing apples with apples.

Fundamental Stock Analysis and Financial Statements

For investors in the US and for others around the globe, earnings reports are a fact of life and which appear as regularly as the seasons. In America, it is a quarterly event, in other countries it is every six months, delivering rising volatility in the run-up, and a decline thereafter, with technical traders attempting to manage their positions as best they can through the inevitable reverberations. But for many investors, digging into the primary financial statements of income, cash flow, and balance sheet is a bridge too far believing them to be too complex and the preserve of those with an accountancy degree. In this module, we aim to prove this assumption to be false, as you do not need any particular qualifications to read and interpret such statements with confidence as we walk you through all of the key lines of data, explaining each in detail and what it means. Remember, these documents reveal the inner workings of the company, and therefore are of immense value to those prepared to spend the time understanding how to read and interpret the data. What you will find, is that if you are prepared to apply this knowledge and study them regularly, you will be surprised how quickly you become at ease with the numbers, and from there draw straightforward and meaningful conclusions about the company concerned. Success in investing or trading is about blending the pieces of the puzzle together, and in this case, it is the marriage of the technical picture alongside the fundamental So, be brave and dive in. You will be surprised at how fast you become an expert analyst!

Don't Fight the FED

Many traders and investors pay little or no attention to their central bank, often regarding them as unimportant or irrelevant, a classic mistake. As I have said in the title which I hope makes the point, don't try to fight the FED, because if you do there will only ever be one loser. To join them, you have to understand them, how and why they work in the way they do - you may not agree with it, and at times have a completely opposite view to theirs, but at the end of the day it is what they say and do which will prevail in the markets. In this module, we take a deep dive into what I call 'the plumbing',  and literally take up the drains of the FED in order to explain how it works. All the money which flows back and forth often at night, and which ultimately dictates the broader sentiment in the markets, and the cost of money. Here I introduce you to the repo market, and the changes which have been imposed on the FED, forcing them to move from applying monetary policies with limited reserves to a model using monetary policy with ample reserves. The Federal Reserve is a fascinating organization to study, and while I do not suggest you develop an academic interest, I would urge you to become a solid FED watcher which many successful traders and investors now do.

A Complete Guide to Bonds and Bond Investing

The mere mention or sight of the word 'bonds' is enough to cause most traders and investors to move on quickly, and avoid the emotional response this market triggers. But it really should not be this way, since the world operates on debt and is the largest of all the capital markets by some way, a staggering $133 trillion in 2022. Whether you are an investor considering bonds as a key part of your investment portfolio, or the sentiment they portray for traders, they are an essential component and one you have to understand. This is why I have created this module along with others in the program, to present bonds in a way that I hope is straightforward and clear, whether propose to trade them, invest in them or use them as sentiment indicators. Spending time understanding bonds and the bond market puts you head and shoulders above every other trader or investor, and once learned, you will wonder why you never took the time to truly understand them before!

Order Types Explained

We are all familiar with the simple market order. Click the order button and the order is executed instantly. However, there are many other order types that deserve our attention and in this module, I walk you through those I think have a valuable role to play in any trader or investor's armory. Some are relatively straightforward, others are more complex for specific jobs, and my advice here is to build up your knowledge slowly by using one or two more regularly, or perhaps test them out in a demo account which is a useful tool for such purposes.

Stop Loss Positioning and Management

Stop loss positioning and management is an art and not a science and there are many ways to approach this important topic. It goes without saying that a stop loss is a given on any open position, and from there, it's a question of how we manage this order. At times it does its job and closes us out with a small loss, but it is the broader context of how and where to place a stop loss that is more prescient, and from there the issue of how to manage an ongoing position. Move it too close, and the order is triggered, perhaps too early, moved too wide, and any profit evaporates away fast. In this module I provide various alternative approaches for you to consider, as well as how to manage existing positions with greater confidence.

Leverage and Margin Explained

Leverage and margin are two of the most misused and misunderstood terms in the financial lexicon, yet they are fundamental to both stock trading and stock investing. A lack of understanding of the power of leverage has been the downfall of many. It is a double-edged sword of immense power. Wonderful when it's working for us, multiplying our returns in a way that would not be possible in any other way, but magnifying our losses when we are on the wrong side of the market. Perhaps the most damaging aspect of leverage is in it allows us to use small accounts to trade large sizes. In this module, I explain the pros and cons, and the dangers you MUST be aware of at all times.

Volume Price Analysis Worked Examples

The title of this module describes what it does on the tin! This is where you will find a vast library of examples using volume price analysis across the complete range of stocks. In fact what we have done here is to base this module on the stock clock, so the examples in each follow the same order. Here you can see the different types of stock price action, and all are viewed through the prism of volume price analysis.


This is where you will find a vast library of resources that we have put together for you to complement and support the program. While many of these sites offer free services, as you can appreciate some will be paid or offer upgrades to their services for additional fees. Some sites have very specific applications offering data that I have found hard to access elsewhere. Others are more generic in what they offer, and I'm sure like me, over time, you will find you migrate to those which you find useful and like the layout, and ignore those which you find unhelpful or confusing. Given the number of sites here, what we have tried to do is to group them into logical collections so that you can find what you are looking for more easily. Stock screeners are a classic example as there are so many, but each one is useful in a different way offering another piece of the puzzle that others do not. I will of course be adding to this library over time as I constantly discover new and helpful resources for both stock traders and investors.

Stock Screeners

When I first started trading and investing twenty-five years ago, the word stock screener did not exist in the financial lexicon, and all David and I had available to us were simple database programs to which you could apply one or two basic filters. Today, stock screeners have become an essential and integral tool for any serious stock trader or investor. Extraordinarily powerful and with a wealth of features and functions, they offer a fast-track route to rapid analysis and a fast track to information that will put you head and shoulders above the competition.

And speaking of changes, another which has propelled stock screeners into the spotlight is the issue of volume which is now considered in many different ways, including average volume, relative volume, dollar volume, trading volume, and options volume. Our founding methodology remains firmly rooted in the Wyckoffian principles, as explained in my book A Complete Guide To Volume Price Analysis, but now with the advent of powerful stock screeners, we have the ability to filter and sort on a range of volume variants that enhance and expand our volume studies exponentially.

How To Use The Indicators

If you are looking to get started with the indicators fast, then this is the place to start, as it is a comprehensive library of videos put together by David to introduce and explain how to use the complete suite of tools and indicators for the stock trading and investing program. But underpinning everything is our volume price analysis methodology, for which we need volume and price. As you might expect, volume plays a central part in many of them, such as the volume relative strength indicator (VRSI), the VPOC indicator with the volume point of control, or the VWAP indicator which is actually five in one. Every indicator has its own library, showing you how to use it in a variety of markets and across all the timeframes from the fastest to the slowest.

Pulling It All Together

This is the module where we will be adding regular content with updates on a variety of topics to help you get started on your own trading and investing journey. The financial markets are one of constant change, and it is here we will reflect those changes, both major and minor, along with all the other significant news relevant to you as a stock trader or investor.


PDF Library

This is truly a library where you will find a vast resource of online PDFs which have been written to both support the course content in the videos and modules and also to broaden some topics out to a much deeper level. As you will appreciate, there is an immense amount of time and effort which has gone into creating this library for you, and hence we are keenly aware of the security issue of this content finding its way onto the internet. We, therefore, had to take the tough decision to make this content read online only, so you will not be able to download or print this content in any way. We do understand some of our students would prefer this, but we hope you can appreciate and understand our reasons for making this decision when launching the program.

In the library, you will find two distinct groups of content. Those that are associated with a module and those which are free-standing. Where they are associated with a module you will find them included as part of the lesson, but we have added them all here for completeness. For example in the Psychology module, there are eight PDFs which form a close part.


Psychology of Trading Module

The psychology of trading or investing is often a topic that falls by the wayside in our desire to run headlong into the markets and the heat of battle. But what matters ultimately and is a key part of underpinning our success, is in understanding ourselves. What makes us the people we are, what has colored our belief systems and attitudes to money and risk? If we take the time to peel back the layers of our personality, to understand both our strengths and weaknesses, with that information firmly in mind we can match our personality traits and facets to discover the optimal trading approach for our own trading or investing success. We are all different, and every approach will be tailored to suit us mentally, because make no mistake, trading or investing is a mental challenge, not with the markets but with yourself, and overcoming those emotional battles we all suffer. The financial markets are unforgiving at any level, and to succeed you must be mentally, physically, and technically prepared. This is why we urge all students to start with this module in order to provide the foundation stone of understanding, understanding of yourself on which you can build a solid approach, playing to your strengths, and managing your weaknesses.

Fundamental Analysis Module

I have said in many places on this program that you do not need to be an economist to understand economic data as it is something I truly believe. All you need is an eagerness to learn and absorb some of the basic principles of how economies work, the primary forces which drive them, and why it is the markets react to some data more dramatically than others. In this module, we walk you through all the fundamental releases that assault us daily for a variety of countries, and which continue in a never-ending monthly or quarterly cycle. And while these events are cyclical and reported daily in the freely available economic calendars, they have their own cycle of significance, at times ranking high on the leaderboard and at other times low. This is generally a function of where we are in terms of the economic cycle which is also covered here as an introduction and in more detail elsewhere in the program.

Relational Analysis Module

The four primary capital markets do not operate in a vacuum and are all connected through the prism of risk, each having its own particular characteristics. At the heart sits the forex market which acts as the gateway through which sentiment ebbs and flows minute by minute and day by day, as it is here that cash is the oil used to transfer one asset class to another. After all, when an asset is sold it is generally converted to cash, and onwards into the next asset group as a purchase, hence it is the world of currencies, that acts as this gateway. In addition, the forex market is unique in that it is the only one that displays a sentiment of risk from risk on, to risk-off by virtue of the various currencies themselves. This is why understanding the currency market, along with bonds and commodities is a key part of understanding the bigger picture of risk sentiment that ultimately drives market behavior. After all, it is simply money chasing higher risk for higher reward, or seeking out safer havens of lower risk and lower reward. Risk and reward go hand in hand and it is this constant see-saw of risk which drives sentiment through these complex relationships.

Technical Analysis Module

If you are relatively new to volume price analysis then this is the module that provides the foundation stone for your knowledge and understanding of the methodology which underpins everything else. Whether you ultimately become a stock trader, a longer-term stock investor, or a blend of the two, volume price analysis is the building block on which all else is built. Once you understand and absorb the principles explained in this module, you will then be able to apply this approach to any timeframe and in any market. The only requirement is a candlestick chart with volume. If you have those two ingredients you can apply the methodology whether on a one-minute chart for trading, or a one-month chart for investing. Having studied this module in depth you will then be able to move on to the wealth of VPA examples contained in both the PDF library and also the video examples module, and of course, if you are on the XT program, to join Anna and David in the live webinars or catch up in the webinar library on the recordings.

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Also Available in Easy Payment Plan