Some great volume lessons on the EUR/AUD in the breakaway trade from congestion

Some great volume lessons on the EUR/AUD in the breakaway trade from congestion

The breakaway trade often gets a bad press due to fakeouts, but if you are a volume trader this is not a problem, as volume reveals the truth behind the price action and therefore whether a move away from the congestion phase is true or false.
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Discover how to identify anomalies when day trading emini futures

Discover how to identify anomalies when day trading emini futures

Discover how to identify anomalies when day trading emini futures and in this video we focus on the YM Emini, the NQ Emini and the ES Emini index futures.
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A lesson in volume price analysis

A lesson in volume price analysis

In this vidwo we take a closer look at the NQ emini and apply the volume price analysis methodology to analyze the daily chart for the futures contract.
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Volume price analysis reveals the truth behind the price action

Volume price analysis reveals the truth behind the price action

Many traders rely on price alone to forecast future direction, yet this is only half the picture, a two dimensional one at best. What volume does is provide a three dimensional view of the chart and what is going on behind the price action. It removes the cloak of secrecy which is used by all the insiders to hide their activity. With volume they cannot hide and as volume traders all we need to do is follow them. Buy when they buy, sell when they sell and stay out when they do - it's that simple.
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Applying volume price analysis to the NQ emini future to answer the question!

Applying volume price analysis to the NQ emini future to answer the question!

The question everyone is asking is whether the NQ emini can continue to climb higher as it leaves the ES and YM futures trailing in its wake, and in this video we answer the question using volume price analysis.
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Volume price analysis in action on the YM Emini futures index trading

Volume price analysis in action on the YM Emini futures index trading

As risk on sentiment wained yesterday, the USD index futures delivered some wonderful trading opportunities in the strong move lower, and in this video we take a look at the bearish trend on the five minute chart for the YM emini futures contract and applying the volume price analysis methodology. This was a textbook example of the power of volume and price, not simply in helping to keep you in but just as important where to enter if you missed the initial move.
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Lessons in volume price analysis for all forex traders

Lessons in volume price analysis for all forex traders

Whether you trade currency futures or spot currencies, the volume price analysis methodology can be applied to both since all that's required is a chart with volume and price. So whether it's futures volume or tick volume, you can apply VPA to all your forex trading.
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A perfect example of mean reversion in the forex market

A perfect example of mean reversion in the forex market

The forex market is one of mean reversion and there is no better example of this than we see in the currency strength indicator for NinjaTrader with currencies moving from overbought to oversold and back again in a never ending cycle.
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Trading from congestion phases and the stop loss

Trading from congestion phases and the stop loss

In this session from the online webclass David explains why congestion phases offer excellent trading opportunities and also provide clear levels for any stop loss positioning and management.
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How to use the renko optimizer indicator for NinjaTrader to day trade emini futures

How to use the renko optimizer indicator for NinjaTrader to day trade emini futures

Trading index futures using non time based charts is a great approach as it smoothes out the price action, but here we blend this approach using multiple charts and with time charts also.
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