Volatility and the crossover session

Volatility and the crossover session

The crossover from one session to another is a dangerous time for forex traders and an extremely profitable one for the market makers. Why? Watch the video to discover why and what you are likely to see at every such period of the trading day, particularly in the Far East Asis to London crossover and later when the US markets open. Note the importance of having the volatility indicator from Quantum Trading which triggers in real-time and gives an instant warning of volatility in the market. The indicator works on average true range and its power lies in forecasting what is likely to happen next which is either congestion, or a full reversal in trend. https://youtu.be/8CI9gn59Tec...
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London forex session using volume price analysis

London forex session using volume price analysis

In this morning's forex trading session we saw the first signs of a change in sentiment following the panic selling of the last few weeks, with risk currencies and safe haven flows sending strong signals of this change. Volume price analysis confirms using Wyckoff's three laws of supply and demand, cause and effect and finally and most importantly effort vs result. https://youtu.be/HE1j44W55LY...
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Volume price analysis and congestion phases

Volume price analysis and congestion phases

A nice congestion phase building on the 5m chart for the GBP/JPY and one which introduces several elements of volume price analysis. First, we have support and resistance here we see a strong region of resistance building with the red dashed line. This is on the accumulation and distribution indicator which displays graphically the strength of such regions. In other words the thicker the line, the stronger the region, so a strong ceiling of resistance building at 129.75. In addition, we are also trading at the volume point of control at 129.52. This is the fulcrum of the market at present with no bullish or bearish bias. In other words, the market is in price agreement where we have the heaviest concentration of volume. The key now is to wait for the breakaway from this region which will come - it's a question of being patient and waiting. And on the move away we then move to consider the volume...
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Does volume price analysis work? Most definitely

Does volume price analysis work? Most definitely

In these unprecedented and dramatic times for markets, traders and investors volume price analysis has never been more appropriate and we had a great example on the 3 min chart for the WTI contract for April. The chart is vpa 101 where following a move lower from a strong resistance line we have a candle with a deep upper wick and very high volume not only confirming the move lower but also providing a potential point of entry. The minor correction higher is on falling volume thereby validating our initial analysis. By Anna Coulling...
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Great move on gbp/cad using multiple time frames

Great move on gbp/cad using multiple time frames

Using multiple time frames to identify and capture trading opportunities is made a lot easier with the best forex trading indicators and we have had a great example earlier today on the gbp/cad. Using a combination of the hourly chart for the Matrix and 15 min chart of the Array resulted in a 200+ move in these highly charged markets. The indicators were supported with a 3 pip Renko and 3 min time chart.  ...
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Canadian dollar crushed as oil prices tumble

Canadian dollar crushed as oil prices tumble

One of the relationships I cover in my free forex webclass is that between oil and the Canadian dollar, and it has never been more important following today's dramatic price action for both crude oil itself and broad market sentiment. So with equity markets in free fall along with oil, the CAD/JPY pair has delivered some wonderful trading opportunities, along with several others in the Canadian dollar complex. The combination of risk-off and oil has driven the pair lower still following the gapped down open under heavy selling as seen on the daily chart. Over the next few days it will be a question of watching the related markets of oil and equities for any recovery in the Canadian dollar. You can discover more in my FREE forex webclass where I cover this in more detail and teach five trading ideas to help you in your own forex trading. You can join me by clicking the link here http://bit.ly/3cB64cH  ...
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Muted reaction to NFP for equities

Muted reaction to NFP for equities

Fundamental news is often cyclical and the importance of one type will vary according to where we are in the economic cycle. In addition, such items may be overshadowed by more prescient news, and this is certainly the case at present with Coronovirus dominating world headlines and driving fear in the markets. So it was no surprise to see the monthly NFP release have little impact on US indices, which paused momentarily before continuing their journey South as we can see across the three sisters here of the YM emini, the NQ emini and the ES emini. Note the weakness in the reaction higher on the 5m charts to the top of the image. You can discover more in my FREE forex webclass where I cover this in more detail and teach five trading ideas to help you in your own forex trading. You can join me by clicking the link here http://bit.ly/3cB64cH  ...
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Weak AUD/JPY signals return to risk off

Weak AUD/JPY signals return to risk off

It's been a day of weakness for the Aussie yen as risk-on sentiment evaporated once more, with markets remaining fragile and nervous as each day reveals fresh news on the current virus sweeping the globe. As a barometer of risk the AUD/JPY is always one currency pair that reveals this sentiment clearly, with the Aussie dollar considered a risk currency and the Japanese yen a safe haven. This weakness was signaled earlier in the week with the failed effort to rise on high volume and now followed by a bearish engulfing candle. I explain this in more detail in my free forex webclass - click to join here...
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Great VPA lessons on the CAD/JPY

Great VPA lessons on the CAD/JPY

Some classic price action on the CAD/JPY daily chart and in particular several volume price analysis lessons to take away. First, note the volume anomaly on the wide spread up candle. Volume is average and therefore the market makers are not participating as the trap is prepared. Clearly volume and price are not in agreement and a sure signal of weakness ahead. The price waterfall duly develops and note the rising volume in a falling market confirming the strength of the trend. Finally in the last few days we have had a two bar reversal on good volume with the currency pair looking weak. And remember, the Canadian dollar is closely associated with oil and with the recent fall in oil prices, this has also been reflected in the currency and one of the topics I cover in my free forex webclass. I explain this in more detail in my free forex webclass - click to join here...
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Crossover session traps

Crossover session traps

The crossover sessions in forex occur when trading in one timezone closes and another opens and can be a very dangerous time for traders. Why? Because this is where insider traps are set. The London open always is a fertile ground and there was a great example on the usd/jpy. Heavy buying in the pair on the previous day resulted in a nice move higher in Asia with the pair moving into consolidation ahead of the London open. Prior to the open the pair started to move higher on reasonable volume but reversed lower at the open on high volume until the hammer candle, again on high volume pushed the pair back towards the consolidation (the yellow line on the chart). I explain this in more detail in my free forex webclass - click to join here...
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