Discover the power of trading using tick charts

Discover the power of trading using tick charts

Discover how to use tick charts to trade futures, whilst also applying the volume price analysis methodology. Using this approach blends the advantages of trading tick charts which reveal momentum, whilst also applying volume analysis to the price action. A perfect combination using the Quantum Trading Tickspeedometer indicator.
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It’s risk on as the London forex markets open

It’s risk on as the London forex markets open

It's risk on as the London forex markets open
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Analysis of the EUR/CAD, the volume point of control and Wyckoff’s three laws

Analysis of the EUR/CAD, the volume point of control and Wyckoff’s three laws

Analysis of the EUR/CAD, the volume point of control and Wyckoff's three laws
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Overnight news from China leaves traders puzzled!

Overnight news from China leaves traders puzzled!

Overnight news from China leaves many traders puzzled as does the move in the Aussie prior to the release.
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And here is the trap revealed on the GBP/JPY pair from earlier!

And here is the trap revealed on the GBP/JPY pair from earlier!

The crossover from one session to another is one of the most profitable times for the market makers and here's why. We looked at the GBP/JPY at the start of the London forex session and saw the volatility which is ever present at such times. Now we can see the trap has been sprung and the market has reversed sharply. All those forex traders who jumped into this pair on FOMO, the fear of missing out, on the initial rapid move higher are now trapped in weak positions and regreting their decision.
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Applying volume price analysis to the forex market

Applying volume price analysis to the forex market

As the London forex market gets underway Anna explains the basic principles of how to apply volume price analysis to the forex market and in particular how this is blended with Richard Wyckoff's three laws. These are supply and demand, cause and effect and effort vs result.
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Volatility and the crossover session

Volatility and the crossover session

The crossover from one session to another is a dangerous time for forex traders and an extremely profitable one for the market makers. Why? Watch the video to discover why and what you are likely to see at every such period of the trading day, particularly in the Far East Asis to London crossover and later when the US markets open. Note the importance of having the volatility indicator from Quantum Trading which triggers in real-time and gives an instant warning of volatility in the market. The indicator works on average true range and its power lies in forecasting what is likely to happen next which is either congestion, or a full reversal in trend.
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Using the renko indicator for trading forex

Using the renko indicator for trading forex

The renko indicator is a wonderful indicator to use in combination with time based charts, and in the webinar we show on the GBP/JPY pair.
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Canadian dollar crushed as oil prices tumble

Canadian dollar crushed as oil prices tumble

One of the relationships I cover in my free forex webclass is that between oil and the Canadian dollar, and it has never been more important following today's dramatic price action for both crude oil itself and broad market sentiment. So with equity markets in free fall along with oil, the CAD/JPY pair has delivered some wonderful trading opportunities, along with several others in the Canadian dollar complex. The combination of risk-off and oil has driven the pair lower still following the gapped down open under heavy selling as seen on the daily chart. Over the next few days it will be a question of watching the related markets of oil and equities for any recovery in the Canadian dollar. You can discover more in my FREE forex webclass where I cover this in more detail and teach five trading ideas to help you in your own forex trading. You can join me by clicking the link here  ...
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Weak AUD/JPY signals return to risk off

Weak AUD/JPY signals return to risk off

It's been a day of weakness for the Aussie yen as risk-on sentiment evaporated once more, with markets remaining fragile and nervous as each day reveals fresh news on the current virus sweeping the globe. As a barometer of risk the AUD/JPY is always one currency pair that reveals this sentiment clearly, with the Aussie dollar considered a risk currency and the Japanese yen a safe haven. This weakness was signaled earlier in the week with the failed effort to rise on high volume and now followed by a bearish engulfing candle. I explain this in more detail in my free forex webclass - click to join here...
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